
EVEREST through its signature project “Everest Dignity” envisages an adorable residence for the retired with best ever modern-day amenities and dedicated residential services to make life after 50s street free, self-reliant and enlivening.

108, Abhishek Complex, Akshar Chowk,
Besides Blue Lagoon Hotel, Vadodara
+91 76989 50055 / 33 / 66 / 88

© 2023 Everest Dignity - All rights reserved
testimonial 5

testimonial 5

Everest group hasn’t just fulfilled its own dreams but has fulfilled the dreams of all of us by creating a space that is so unique and Comfortable. We can cook by our own or can go for common dining. We can enjoy at home or can enjoy with others the community spaces this place Glaves us the Independence to live the way we want. My mother had a heart stroke in my absence and within 20 minutes she was taken to the hospital, for which I am thankful to the team.

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