
EVEREST through its signature project “Everest Dignity” envisages an adorable residence for the retired with best ever modern-day amenities and dedicated residential services to make life after 50s street free, self-reliant and enlivening.

108, Abhishek Complex, Akshar Chowk,
Besides Blue Lagoon Hotel, Vadodara
+91 76989 50055 / 33 / 66 / 88

© 2023 Everest Dignity - All rights reserved

Umesh Dadhania


Umesh Dadhania, 40-year young Developer studied B. E. Electrical, from Rajkot, and qualified MBA-Marketing & PGDIBM from Pune.

Post his successful corporate stint with top MNCs in Mumbai and Pune, He has decided to settle in Vadodara and apply his acquired knowledge & expertise in the real estate sector, inspired by three decades of business endeavors of his father, he began construction works in 2008.

His love for enhancing people’s living conditions, enriched experience, technical know-how and the huge scope of construction industry led to the As the Group’s Managing Director, Umesh’s emphasis is on innovative concepts and personal touch. With completion of 10 successful projects, the Everest Group is all geared up for many more conceptual & unique projects in the near future.

As the Group’s Managing Director, Umesh’s emphasis is on innovative concepts and personal touch. With around 15 successful projects, the Everest Group is all geared up for many more conceptual & unique projects in the near future.

His love for enhancing people’s living conditions, enriched experience, technical know-how and the huge scope of the construction industry led to the Foundation of the Everest Group – Vadodara.

Under his able leadership, he has also into the allied Paver Block Industry as Advice Buildcare Pvt. Ltd. in Vasad.

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