
EVEREST through its signature project “Everest Dignity” envisages an adorable residence for the retired with best ever modern-day amenities and dedicated residential services to make life after 50s street free, self-reliant and enlivening.

108, Abhishek Complex, Akshar Chowk,
Besides Blue Lagoon Hotel, Vadodara
+91 76989 50055 / 33 / 66 / 88

© 2023 Everest Dignity - All rights reserved
testimonial 1

testimonial 1

The idea of senior living hasn’t been in Vadodara, Which I have seen during my international travel. I am glad that Everest Dignity perused this idea and created a perfect abode for the senior citizens. Initially it looks a lot of efforts to convince people about it, but in the end, it has been a grand success.

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